Monday, November 26, 2012

New Sight Word List

On Thursday, December 6th, we will be taking another sight word test.

Words to be tested:

Sentence: The snake will strike out with its fangs.

Holiday Season

Whew! It's hard to believe it, but the holiday season is upon us! I hope that everyone had a good Thanksgiving, and a nice 4-day weekend. We have 4 weeks to go until Christmas break, and those weeks are going to be jam-packed!

We do have one week left of November, I will be using that time to finish up some Thanksgiving things and to finish our unit on "The past". Starting next week, we will be learning about Christmas Around the World, and that is always super fun!

Some holiday things to keep in mind:

1. Teddy Bears were sent home last week to decorate for our 2nd grade hallway. Have fun with this and encourage your child to use his/her imagination. Those can come back whenever you are finished with them, but for sure by December 3rd.

2. We are also in need of $2.50 for each child for a surprise project. If this money is hard for you to come by, please let me know.

3. In years past, I have always planned the Christmas party and then had parent helpers on the day of the party. I am not opposed to a committee of parents for planning of the party. If this is something that you think you might be interested in, please let me know. If I get a committee together, then we can work on meeting dates for the planning.

What we are studying (week of 11/26)

Monday - lesson 56
Tuesday - lesson 57
Wednesday - lesson 58
Thursday - lesson 59

Monday - lesson 8.1
Tuesday - lesson 8.2
Wednesday - lesson 8.3
Thursday - lesson 8.4

hiss, when, while, whisper, craft, yell, slick, sort, March, stuck
the, thorn, squid, scarf, shark, skin, blond, which, kept, white

Sentences: The thunder woke me up. The grill was made with red bricks.

Head, Body, Legs
Please read the stories from page 298 to page 329.
Also make sure that your child can read the following words:
gasped, attached, frantically, swung, breathe, delicious

Monday, November 19, 2012

What we are studying (week of 11/19)

Another short week without our usual structure. This week we will not have the typical phonics, reading, or spelling lessons.

There will be the following homework on these nights:

Monday: Math lesson 7.5
Tuesday: no math homework

If plans change and I send home more homework, I will update this blog so that you can know what to expect. Until then, enjoy this short week without the stress of homework :)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Pencils and Erasers

Please ask your child how his or her pencil and eraser supply is. I have noticed that many children are using small pencils. I have given out many pencils to children lately, and my supply is just about gone. I do not mind mechanical pencils. However, the first time they become a toy, I will send them home.

Sight Word THIS Thursday!!

On Thursday, November 15th, we will be taking a sight word test over the following words and sentence:


Take the milk to the cats in the barn.

What we are studying (week of 11/12)

Monday - lesson 51
Tuesday - lesson 52
Wednesday - lesson 53
Thursday - lesson 54

Monday - fact sheet for homework
Tuesday - lesson 7.1
Wednesday - lesson 7.2
Thursday - lesson 7.3

hill, foot, tooth, vote, luck, moon, five, choke, far, quit
cross, cliff, help, fix, mess, sir, first, birth, skirt, squirt

Sentences: We will vote next week. The first girl in line gets the cat.

There's Nothing Like Baseball
Please read the stories from page 266 to page 295.
Also make sure that your child can read the following words:
tryouts, coach, practices, uniform, imaginary, starting

Friday, November 9, 2012

School Spiritwear

School spiritwear is on sale until Monday. Your child took home a green order form a few weeks ago for this. The school has been assured that these orders will be delivered in time for Christmas. If you send in an order with your child, we will make sure that the order reaches the office!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

November 9th Due Dates

Tomorrow is the deadline for our Scholastic Book Order. If you want to order and need more time, please just let me know.

Also, if your child read book-it for October, tomorrow is the last day to turn in those calendars.

Friday, November 2, 2012

What we are learning (week of 11/5)

Monday - lesson 46
Tuesday - lesson 47
Wednesday - lesson 48
Thursday - lesson 49

Monday - lesson 6.3
Tuesday - lesson 6.4
Wednesday - lesson 6.5
Thursday - lesson 6.6
**These lessons are tentative. This topic seems to be harder for the children. If I notice in class that the children need more time for understanding, I will slow down and take 2 days to teach a lesson.

slug, jog, wept, slush, start, than, trim, blast, crisp, trust
crib, kit, best, jam, stand, were, from, where, of, was

Sentences: Where is her sister from? Were milk and corn on the list?

Farfallina & Marcel
Please read the stories from page 232 to page 261.
Also make sure that your child can read the following words:
giggled, fluttered, peered, recognized, vanished, snuggled

Veterans' Day Program

Hebron Elementary's Veterans' Day program will be held on Monday, November 12th at 9:30am, in the gym. The community is invited to attend.

Reading Counts Update

Here it is the beginning of November and we are moving right along with Reading Counts. We have 4 children who have read over 30,000 words, and 4 children who have read over 50,000 words. One of these children is very close to moving over 100,000 words! Exciting!! Keep reading Everybody!!

Sight Word Test

On Thursday, November 15th, we will be taking a sight word test over the following words and sentence:


Take the milk to the cats in the barn.

Book Order

Don't forget, the November book order is due on November 9th. You can either send in an order to me, or you can order online. The link is as follows: