Monday, April 29, 2013

Sight Word Test This Thursday!

Please have your child practice the following words:

build, built, caught, clothes, course, heart, hour, science, special, touch

What we are studying (week of 4/29)

Monday - lesson 136
Tuesday - lesson 137
Wednesday - lesson 138
Thursday - lesson 139

Monday - lesson 15.3
Tuesday - lesson 15.4
Wednesday - lesson 15.5
Thursday - lesson 15.6

aside, aware, aloud, alive, alarm, awake, agree, along, alone, ago
away, around, avoid, about, alike, often, science, busy, door, certain

We should get to the zoo around nine to avoid the long lines.
Can you tell me about life in China?

Please have your child read the story Music of the Stone Age on pages 368-375.

Please make sure that your child can read the following words:
impossible, treasures, watch, talent, pleasant

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Reading Counts Updates

I have made a few policy changes regarding Reading Counts. I have not had anyone reach 250,000 words read yet. That really is quite unusual for this point in the year. So, I've decided to offer a candy bar for every child that reaches (and hopefully goes beyond) 250,000 words.

I've also decided to have every child check out a reading counts book at library every week. They need to read and pass this book before the next Friday.

These are just a few changes to (hopefully) keep the children reading.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Grandparents' Day

I will be sending home second notices with some children for Grandparents' Day. It's important for me to have a head count of grandparents, plus new policies are in place this year for PTG to have names of grandparents who are coming. Please be on the lookout for this.

If you have already sent in this form, thank you!


The children are telling me that they are out of pencils, erasers, dry erase markers, and glue. If your child is one of these, please send in some supplies. We have about 5 weeks left of school. That's a long time to be without supplies or to borrow from neighbors!!

Thanks ahead of time!


Our chicks have arrived! We had 7 eggs hatch, but 2 little guys did not make it. We are a little sad that so few arrived, and I was even a little disappointed because only 2 hatched while the children were here. I was hoping the children would be in on the action more. In the next day or two we will get to hold the chicks. I am being very firm in that children need to be well behaved and have their work done in order to hold the chicks.

What we are studying (week of 4/22)

Sorry for the lack of assignments for the week. With the chicks hatching, and the author's visit yesterday, our plans in the classroom really weren't set in stone. Here's what to expect for the remainder of the week. But of course, these could change at any given minute too!

Wednesday - lesson 133
Thursday - lesson 134

Wednesday - no homework
Thursday - lesson 15.2


better, butter, copper, dinner, suffix, classic, traffic, rabbit, kitten, sudden
missed, runny, bigger, sloppy, funny, discover, wonderful, Monday, month, front


Tommy's puppet was better than Jimmy's.
The black rabbit is bigger than the white one.

Please have your child read the story Stirring Up Memories on pages 342-363.

Please make sure that your child can read the following words:
creating, familiar, occasions, memories, imagination, glamorous

Monday, April 15, 2013

2nd grade garage sale

We will be having our annual 2nd grade garage sale next week. If you are cleaning out closets and toy boxes and have any extra toys to donate, we would really appreciate it. First graders get to shop at this extravaganza. One man's trash is another man's treasure!!

Please send in anything that you would like to donate this week!

What we are studying (week of 4/15)

Monday - lesson 126
Tuesday - lesson 127
Wednesday - lesson 128
Thursday - lesson 129

Monday - lesson 14.2
Tuesday - no homework
Wednesday - lesson 14.3
Thursday - lesson 14.4


break, great, leash, scream, squeak, team, breath, health, instead, leave,
meant, sweat, thread, feather, sweater, gone, guess, laugh, any, through


Spread the leather over the saddle.
Which year is leap year?

Please have your child read the story Mice and Beans on pages 300-337.

Please make sure that your child can read the following words:
menu, fetch, forgetting, simmered, assembled,devoured

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


We will be doing Inview testing this week. Please make sure that your child has a good night's sleep as well as a good breakfast. Also, if at all possible, please try to arrange any appointments for the afternoon. Thanks!!

Big-Time Thanks!

Thank you to our parents who helped out last Friday night:

Mrs. Chang, Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Moore, and Mrs. Bocknick

Thank you to our parents who chaperoned our trip to the theater today:

Mrs. Bocknick, Mrs. Moore, Ms. Asher, Mrs. Edge, Mrs. Szostek, and Mrs. Amy Kuzminski

Our school year would not flow smoothly without the help of parents :-)

What we are studying (week of 4/9)

Because of testing this week, along with the field trip, our assignments will be a little different~

No phonics this week.

Monday - lesson 13.5
Tuesday - no homework
Wednesday - no homework
Thursday - lesson 14.1

No spelling this week.

The Moon
Please read the stories from page 266 to page 297.

Also make sure that your child can read the following words:
discovered, visible, lunar, spacecraft, surface, footprint

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Hebron True Value

Hebron True Value is having their grand opening celebration this Saturday. They will be having Birky's catering there to serve food. Proceeds from this food sale are being donated to the Hebron High Flying Book Club. If you have no plans this Saturday, check it out!

Author Visit

We are having children's author Lester Laminack visit our school on April 23rd. If your child would like to purchase a book for Mr. Laminack to sign, those orders need to be turned in by THIS Friday. If you need an order form, please contact the school office.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Sight Word Test THIS Thursday!!



Move the tape measure over to the green table.

March Book-It

March Book-It will be due this Friday, April 5th.

2nd Grade Science Night

Just a reminder that THIS Friday is 2nd grade science night. It's not too late for your child to sign up if he/she would like to attend.

I will be in the elementary lobby Friday night around 5:45 to greet your children. Please make sure to come in with them for drop off, and to come in again at 8:00 for pick up.

It's sure to be a good time!

What we are studying (week of 4/1)

Monday - lesson 121
Tuesday - lesson 122
Wednesday - lesson 123
Thursday - lesson 124

Monday - lesson 13.1
Tuesday - lesson 13.2
Wednesday - lesson 13.3
Thursday - lesson 13.4

side, date, kite, never, May, spray, way, wall, ball, small,
tall, blouse, house, horse, mouse, give, thought, sure, brother, mountain


Put the red dish on the table.
Where did the dog go that was here yesterday?

The Ugly Vegetables
Please read the stories from page 232 to page 261.

Also make sure that your child can read the following words:
scent, trade, muscles, prickly, blooming, aroma