Monday, February 25, 2013

Don't Forget!

February Book-it forms will be due on Friday, March 8th.

If you have not sent back the field trip permission slip and money ($8.75) please do that as soon as possible. Thanks!!

Read to Succeed/Deep River Waterpark Reading

Read to Succeed forms were due TODAY. If your child read six hours and still needs to turn in a form, please turn that in tomorrow.

Deep River Waterpark forms (6 hours read for a ticket to the waterpark) will be due next Monday, March 4th.

Sight Word Test THIS Thursday!

Your child will need to know how to spell the following words and sentence:


I guess my cousin will leave at one.

What we are studying (week of 2/25)

Monday - lesson 101
Tuesday - lesson 102
Wednesday - lesson 103
Thursday - lesson 104

Monday - lesson 11.8
Tuesday - lesson 11.9
Wednesday - fact sheet
Thursday - lesson 12.1

stable, title, spring, faster, pouch, below, stronger, frisky, soil, itch
batch, smudge, cage, stage, huge, again, friend, walk, talk, only

Pick up an apple and a jug of milk at the store.
Can your cat run faster than my dog?

Dig, Wait, Listen
Please read the stories from page 162 to page 191.

Also make sure that your child can read the following words:
burrow, beyond, warning, lengthy, ranger’s distant

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Field Trip Permission Slips

Field trip permission slips are going home today. We will be going to Merrillville High School in April for a play. I can only take five chaperones. I will be drawing names out of a hat once I have the majority of slips back. Each child will need to send in $8.75 for this trip.

What we are studying (week of 2/19)

Tuesday - lesson 98
Wednesday - no homework
Thursday - lesson 99

Tuesday - lesson 11.5
Wednesday - lesson 11.6
Thursday - lesson 11.7

stitch, oil, sleepy, snow, ouch, chimp, smooth, snore, rust, stretch,
paint, tail, snail, pail, air, learn, father, trouble, listen, island

Hang the U.S. flag on the first pole.
Which teacher has a birthday this week?

Nutik th Wolf Pup
Please read the stories from page 126 to page 159.

Also make sure that your child can read the following words:
beloved, promised, wiggled, gleamed, glanced, noble

Pajama Day this Friday

For $1, your child may wear pajamas to school on Friday. This money goes to PJ Fox, a former student who has been battling cancer.

Read to Succeed due One Week from Today!!

Read to Succeed, the 6 hour reading program for a ticket to Six Flags is due one week from today, on February 25th. I will start taking these forms whenever they are complete.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

With the completion of our Valentine's party, our party season is officially over. I can't thank the parents enough (all of you!) for sending in supplies, and for coming to help with the parties. The children have so much fun at these parties, and they would not be possible without the help of parents. We have a few things coming up, so be on the lookout for other ways to come in, help, and be involved in your child's 2nd grade year!

Progress reports

Progress reports will go home tomorrow. Please look for these in the gold folder.

Keyboarding program

We have begun learning how to keyboard! This is a program that we will spend time on in our computer lab every other week. I am including the link because you can have your child practice from home too!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Six Flags Ticket

If your child is reading 6 hours for Read to Succeed, those will be due on February 25th. This is only two weeks away! Just a gentle reminder so that your child doesn't miss out on a chance to earn a ticket to Six Flags!

Valentine's Day

Don't forget that cards, boxes, and supplies can come in any time now :)

What we are studying (week of 2/11)

Monday - lesson 96
Tuesday - no homework
Wednesday - lesson 97
Thursday - no homework

Monday - lesson 11.1
Tuesday - lesson 11.2
Wednesday - lesson 11.3
Thursday - lesson 11.4

(These will be tested NEXT Friday (2/22)

stitch, oil, sleepy, snow, ouch, chimp, smooth, snore, rust, stretch,
paint, tail, snail, pail, air, learn, father, trouble, listen, island

Hang the U.S. flag on the first pole.
Which teacher has a birthday this week?

Super Storms
Please read the stories from page 94 to page 121.

Also make sure that your child can read the following words:
violent, beware, prevent, uprooted, destroy, grasslands

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Valentine's Day Party supplies

Notes are going home today regarding what I need sent in for the Valentine's Day party. Every child is receiving a note today! Please look for those.

Remember: Party supplies, Valentines and homemade boxes can begin coming in at any time.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Sight Word Test this Thursday!!

We will have a sight word test this Thursday over the following words:


Learn to spell this sentence:

If you talk while you eat, you might choke.

January Book-it

January book-it calendars will be due by this Friday, February 8th.

What we are studying (week of 2/4)

Monday - lesson 91
Tuesday - lesson 92
Wednesday - lesson 93
Thursday - lesson 94

Monday - lesson 10.7
Tuesday - lesson 10.8
Wednesday - lesson 10.9
Thursday - fact sheet

joy, frosty, coin, south, wife, chose, shake, window, join, clay
grow, branch, tray, brave, long, many, enough, buy, answer, ocean

When the dog sees his master, he will jump up and bark out loud.
Will she win the contest next week?

Helping Planet Earth
Please read the stories from page 82 to page 89.

Also make sure that your child can read the following words:
conservation, remains, trouble, extinct, hardest